Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 320

I had a hankering for pancakes with mince in them tonight, so I pulled out a recipe book and followed the recipe (so I thought) and came up with a very thick gluggy mixture, so added a bit of milk (Penny hadn't dropped at this point) to make it runnier...

I made the first couple of pancakes, the mix was enough for 4-5 larger pancakes, and they tasted quite unusual.  My hankering for a pancake had disappeared and I was going to give up when I re read the recipe clearly.....

Milk and something else had been left out.  whoops!  the small amount I'd put in was no where near the qty of the recipe, but I blame the layout of the recipe, it was in 2 columns with 2 headings above the 2 columns.........

 this is a post addition of extra milk pancake, still tasted funny!

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